Long Keeping Apple Varieties

Apple: ADW Atkins
ADW Atkins (01-Jan.)
Raised by Mr A.D.W. Atkins, Exmouth, Devon in about 1971. Fruits retain a good flavour when cooked.
Apple: Abbondanza
Abbondanza (01-Jan.)
An Italian variety which was selected in 1896. Fruits have firm, cream flesh with a very strong vinous flavour.
Apple: Admiral
Admiral (01-Mar.)
Raised at Upton, Norfolk by A.K. Watson in about 1921. Introduced by Watson in about 1937. Fruits have soft, coarse flesh with a sweet flavour.
Apple: Alfred  Jolibois
Alfred Jolibois (01-Dec.)
Received by the National Fruit Trials from Yonne, France in 1950. Fruits have firm, fine flesh with a subacid flavour.
Apple: Allens Everlasting
Allens Everlasting (Unknown)
Catalogued in 1864. Received a First Class Certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1899. Fruits have firm, juicy flesh with a fair flavour.
Apple: Altlander Pfannkuchenapfel
Altlander Pfannkuchenapfel (01-Dec.)
Received by the National Fruit Trials in 1951 from Germany.
Apple: Amanishiki
Amanishiki (01-Mar.)
Raised in 1936 at Aomori Apple Experiment Station, Japan. It was named in 1948. Fruits are sweet and insipid - fails to ripen properly in Britain.
Apple: Arlet
Arlet (04-Feb.)
Raised at the Federal Agricultural Research Station, Wadenswil, Switzerland. Received by the National Fruit Collection, Brogdale in 1995. Fruits are sweet, crisp and juicy with a slightly perfumed flavour.
Apple: Auld Ben
Auld Ben (09-Jan.)
A yellow foundling, a bit small sized. Probably offspring of Golden Delicious.
Apple: Auld Bill
Auld Bill (09-Jan.)
A yellow foundling, reasonably tasty if a bit small. Probably offspring of Golden Delicious.