Long Keeping Apple Varieties

Apple: Bradleys Beauty
Bradleys Beauty (02-Feb.)
No description available at this time.
Apple: Braeburn
Braeburn (02-Feb.)
Discovered on the property of O.Moran, Waiwhero, Upper Moutere, New Zealand and was first grown commercially by William Bros. at Braeburn orchard, Upper Moutere in 1952. I Fruits have crisp, firm flesh with a perfumed flavour, although fruits usually fail to mature fully in the U.K.
Apple: Brak
Brak (02-Feb.)
No description available at this time.
Apple: Brighton
Brighton (04-Feb.)
Received by the National Fruit Trials in 1950 from New Zealand. Fruits have a sweet, rich, slightly subacid flavour.
Apple: Burford Yellow
Burford Yellow (26-Apr.)
Very firm very late dessert apple, appearance resembles MM106, but harder and sweeter with less acidity and the stalk generally has a trace of purple next to it. Hangs on tree until early Jan; sometimes mid Feb, in good condition. Completely frost-proof. Sweet, white flesh, firm texture, becoming dry into early Spring. These apples keep extremely well; April, May or even later without gas storage. In 2009 a dozen apples remained in June and were still good; some picked in October and some in January. The January ones were slightly more juicy. They have a very "gutsy" flavour - dry, firm, crunchy and little juice - the exact opposite of a supermarket apple.
Apple: Cagarlaou
Cagarlaou (01-Jan.)
Originated from Lozere, France. Described in 1947. Fruits have a sweet, perfumed flavour.
Apple: Calville Blanc Dhiver
Calville Blanc Dhiver (01-Jan.)
Raised in Europe, probably France or Germany. Recorded in 1598. Fruits have a rather soft, fine-textured juicy flesh with a rich, sweet, aromatic flavour. Fruits fail to ripen fully in the UK.
Apple: Calville Des Femmes
Calville Des Femmes (02-Feb.)
Found in 1850 in the garden of Comice Horticole, Angers, France. Fruits have firm, crisp flesh with a subacid flavour.
Apple: Canada Blanc De La Creuse
Canada Blanc De La Creuse (01-Dec.)
Thought to have arisen at Creuse, France. Described in 1947. Fruits have softish flesh with an insipid flavour.
Apple: Carters Pearmain
Carters Pearmain (01-Dec.)
Thought to be of UK origin. Exhibited in 1934. Fruits have soft, coarse flesh with a sweet, aromatic flavour.